About AESS
Autism Education Services Scotland aims to enable young people, parents, carers and families to develop effective learning, communication, and personalised strategies for managing autism or Asperger's.
AESS can be contacted by phone on 0790 434 4435 or email at AESS@eohippus.co.uk.
AESS operates in the Glasgow area.
About Lorna
Lorna has worked as a fully qualified additional support needs teacher for 20 years, after teaching in mainstream education. She has worked in early years, primary and secondary schools and co-located units. Lorna was responsible for developing both an early years and secondary autism provision from the outset. She was responsible for supporting curriculum development and teacher education.
Her field of expertise is autism but her work practice has included mainstream and complex learning needs education. She has provided considerable in-service training for teachers, education and care staff.
Lorna aims to work in a person centred partnership with clients to support learning and achievement. This style of working includes designing personalised programmes.
Lorna has developed her practice to include a multicultural popular education approach, Capacitar. She has used Capacitar activities with young people and staff to promote health, well-being and self care.
Lorna has an interest in the impact of High Sensory Sensitivities on young people and their learning.
- Post Graduate Diploma in Education
- Post Graduate Diploma in Support for Learning
- Certificate in Autism Studies
- Trauma Healing & Transformation Training
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